High Tech Lesson Plan
מערכי השיעור שלנו מאגדים את מיטב התוכן הלימודי מאת הצוות המקצועי שלנו. בכל מערך שיעור מצוין לאילו כיתות הוא מיועד, כך שתוכלו לזהות את התכנים המתאימים עבור התלמידים שלכם.
מערכי השיעור האלה על מתמקדים בנושאים שונים, כגון: פורים, משבר האקלים, או השאלה אם יש חיים מחוץ לכדור הארץ. כחלק ממערכי השיעור של מורפיקסקול התלמידים יוכלו ללמוד על כל אחד מהנושאים האלה ועוד בעזרת משחקים וחידונים הנכללים במערכת הלימוד של מורפיקסקול.
מערכי השיעור החווייתיים שלנו כוללים אמצעי למידה כגון: משחקי אוצר מילים של מורפיקסקול, טקסטים של הבנת הנקרא (אנסינים), רעיונות לדיונים בכיתה, וחידונים מעשירים. בכל מערך שיעור יש א תוכן ייחודי משלו, אז יש הרבה מה לגלות והרבה במה להתנסות.
להלן מערך שיעור על אנגלית בעולם ההיי-טק – מתאים לתלמידי 4-5 יחידות בגרות אנגלית.
נפתח בדיון על הנושא ונעודד את התלמידים להתבטא על תעשיית ההיי-טק בישראל ובעולם. המטרה היא לעורר שיח ולמשוך את תשומת ליבם של התלמידים לקראת השלבים הבאים במערך השיעור.
נבחן סדרת מושגים ומונחים מעולם ההיי-טק.
נעבוד עם אנסין מאתגר בנושא.
נשלים שיחה בשני חלקים של עובד חדש במשרד הייטק.

דיון כיתתי - Class discussion
השאלות הבאות נועדו לעורר דיון התחלתי וכללי על הסוגייה. אין כאן תשובות נכונות או לא, ולא צריך להתבסס על שום מידע חיצוני. המטרה היא להוציא מהתלמידים את התובנות והדעות שכבר יש להם, ולתת להם להסתמך על מידע קודם שלהם.
- What “high-tech” companies can you name? What kind of companies are they? From Israel and from the world.
- Do you think that “high-tech” companies are a force for good in the world? Why, or why not?
- How do “high-tech” companies affect your daily life?
- Do you think these companies are missing something that could be done to improve the world, or people’s lives?
- How are “high-tech” companies usually shown in movies, television and the news? Why do you think they’re shown that way?
Vocabulary Practice - תרגול אוצר מילים

אתם מוזמנים ליצור רשימות מילים משלכם, אולי גם בהשתתפות התלמידים. לנוחיותכם, במערכת רשימות המילים של מורפיקסקול הכנו עבורכם מראש רשימת מילים רלוונטית למערך שיעור זה. לחצו על הכפתור ותעברו אליה. תוכלו לתרגל את אוצר המילים במספר דרכים: חידון רב-ברירה, התאמת כרטיסיות ומשחק איות.
Reading Comprehension
קטע הבנת הנקרא/אנסין על הסכנות של העידן הטכנולוגי החדש

"Surveillance and Privacy in the Digital Age"
Changes in the delivery of books, music, and television extended the technologies of surveillance beyond the office, blurring the boundaries between work and home. The same technologies that make it possible to download digitally stored books, songs, and movies directly onto computer hard drives or mobile devices could make it possible for publishers and entertainment companies to record and monitor each individual’s browsing habits with great accuracy. Television too is being redesigned to create precise records of viewing habits. For instance, digital video recorders make it possible to store hours of television programs and enable viewers to skip commercials and to create their own program lineups. The data generated by such actions could create viewer profiles, which could then be used to make viewing suggestions and to record future shows.
Privacy of cell phone communication also has become an issue, as in 2010 when BlackBerry smartphone maker RIM reacted to demands from the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), Saudi Arabia, and India that security forces from those countries be given the ability to read communications such as e-mail and instant messages from BlackBerry users within their borders. The U.A.E. later canceled a planned ban on the BlackBerry service, saying that it had reached an agreement with RIM, which declined to reveal its discussions with the governments of other countries. The demands were part of a rise of security demands from national governments that cited the need to monitor criminals and terrorists who used wireless communications.
In the United States, many similar controversies have occurred. In 2010 President Barack Obama’s administration said that in order to prevent terrorism and identify criminals, it wanted Congress to require that all Internet services be capable of complying with wiretap orders. The broad requirement would include Internet phone services, social networking services, and other types of Internet communication, and it would enable even encrypted messages to be decoded and read. Critics complained that the monitoring proposal challenged the ideals of privacy and the lack of centralized authority for which the Internet had long been known.
Photos and videos also emerged as unexpected threats to personal privacy. “Geotags” are created when photos or videos are embedded with geographic location data from GPS chips inside cameras, including those in cell phones. When images are uploaded to the Internet, the geotags allow homes or other personal locations within the images to be precisely located by those who view the photos online. The security risk is not widely understood by the public, however, and in some cases disabling the geotag feature in certain models of digital cameras and camera-equipped smartphones is complicated.
Google’s Street View photo-mapping service caused privacy concerns when the company revealed that it had been recording locations and some data from unprotected household wireless networks as it took pictures. The company said that the data had been gathered unintentionally. German officials objected to Google’s actions on the basis of Germany’s strict privacy laws, and, although German courts decided against the objections, Google did not expand its Street View service in Germany beyond the handful of urban centers that it had already photo-mapped. The controversy led to other investigations of the Street View service by several U.S. states and the governments of several countries (including the Czech Republic, which eventually refused to grant Google permission to offer the Street View service there).
The social network Facebook has been a particular focus of privacy concerns on the Internet. Over the lifetime of the site, the default privacy settings for a Facebook user’s information evolved from most content being accessible only to a user’s friends or friends of friends to being accessible to everyone. In December 2009 Facebook rolled out a new privacy settings update that allowed users to exercise more control over what personal information was shared or displayed. However, the complex nature of the various privacy-control menus discouraged use of the new privacy settings. Users tended to fall back on Facebook’s default settings, which, because of the expansion of Facebook’s “opt-out” policy, were at the loosest level of security, forcing users to “opt-in” to make information private. Responding to criticism, Facebook revised its privacy policy again in May 2010, with a simplified system that consolidated privacy settings onto a single page.
Another privacy issue is cyberbullying—using the Internet to threaten or humiliate another person with words, photos, or videos. The problem received particular attention in 2010 when a male Rutgers University student committed suicide after two acquaintances reportedly streamed a video over the Internet of the student having a sexual encounter with a man. Also in 2010, Donna Witsell, the mother of a 13-year-old Florida girl who had committed suicide in 2009 after a cyberbullying incident, formed a group called Hope’s Warriors to help curb abuse and to warn others of the threat. Most U.S. states have enacted laws against bullying, although very few of them include cyberbullying.
Adapted from “Internet”, Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica. 26 Dec. 2022. britannica.com/technology/Internet/Issues-in-new-media
1.What is the main topic discussed in the text?
A. The privacy risks of downloading books, music, and movies
B. The rising issues of privacy and surveillance that come with new technologies
C. The ability of governments to intercept communication on BlackBerry devices
D. The evolution of Facebook's privacy settings from 2009 until 2018
2.How does television technology enable precise records of viewing habits?
A. By requiring viewers to register for a special account
B. By featuring detective programs and allowing policemen to skip commercials
C. By recording all shows watched by a viewer and creating a viewing profile
D. By tracking the websites visited by viewers
3.What was the U.A.E.'s initial response to BlackBerry's refusal to allow government interception of communication?
A. The U.A.E. reached an agreement with BlackBerry
B. The U.A.E. threatened to ban the use of BlackBerry devices within its borders
C. The U.A.E. threatened to fine BlackBerry for noncompliance
D. The U.A.E. filed a lawsuit against BlackBerry
4.What did the Obama administration propose in 2010 to prevent terrorism and identify criminals?
A. Requiring all Internet services to be capable of complying with wiretap orders
B. Increasing funding for intelligence agencies
C. Implementing stricter security measures at airports and other public places
D. Expanding the use of drones for surveillance
5.How does the public view the security issue of geotags?
A. It is an issue the public understands thanks to efforts made by the government
B. The public is very much in favor of geotags and largely dismisses the security issue
C. The security issue of geotags has been widely discussed in schools and in the news
D. It is not widely known or understood by the public
6.Why did Google's Street View service face controversy in Germany?
A. The German government was found to have recorded locations and data from unprotected household wireless networks.
B. German officials objected to Google's actions on the basis of Germany's strict privacy laws.
C. Google refused to expand the Street View service in Germany beyond the cities it had already photo-mapped.
D. All of the above
7.Which of the following statements is true about Facebook's original default privacy settings?
A. Most user information was only accessible to a user's friends or friends of friends.
B. All user information was accessible to everyone.
C. User information was accessible only to the government and intelligence agencies.
D. Facebook has always had strict privacy settings, making most content only accessible to the user.
Complete the Conversatio
השלימו שיחה של עובד חדש במשרד היי-טק
לפניכם שיחה בשני חלקים של עובד חדש במשרד הייטק. בשיחה תלמדו על מושגים ומונחים המצויים בשפה היומיומית של מקומות עבודה מהסוג הזה. השלימו את החסר כדי שהשיחה תהיה הגיונית:
A. [High tech conversation parts 1]
B. [High tech conversation parts 2]
לאחר השיעור אנחנו מזמינים אתכם לשתף אותנו ומורים נוספים בחוויות שלכם ושל התלמידים מהשיעור. כמו כן, אנו מזמינים אתכם לעקוב אחרינו בפייסבוק ובאינסטגרם כדי להישאר מעודכנים.
בנוסף, תוכלו ליהנות ממערכי שיעור נוספים בהם: מערך שיעור על חייזרים ומערך שיעור על טיולים.