Our Dreams and Goals
מערך שיעור זה מתאים לכיתות ז' ומעלה.
בחלק הראשון של השיעור עודדו את הילדים לדבר על מטרות ויעדים שהציבו לעצמם וכן על קשיים ומכשולים שהם מתמודדים איתם בדרך להגשים את חלומותיהם.
מומלץ לעבור על רשימת המילים המופיעה בסוף החלק הראשון לפני התחלת הדיון. אפשר להציע לכל תלמיד.ה לפתוח את הרשימה בטלפון הנייד ולהשתמש במילים מתוך הרשימה במהלך הדיון.
בחלק השני של השיעור לומדים אנגלית מתוך התמלול של סצנה מאוד מפורסמת מהסרט "המרדף לאושר". התמלול וקישור לסצנה מופיעים למטה.
בחלק השלישי של השיעור לומדים אנגלית מתוך דיון על סרטון קצר. הסרטון הוא על כלבה שרוצה להפוך לכלבת נחייה ומתמודדת עם קשיים בדרך להגשמת חלומה.
בחלק האחרון של השיעור ישנן תמונות עם ציטוטים מעוררי השראה על הישגיות, הגשמת חלומות, התמודדות עם קשיים ועוד. אפשר לעורר דיון על ציטוטים אלו, לשתף בחוויות או ליצור שלטים עם הציטוטים שבתמונות ולקשט איתם את הכיתה.
Class Discussion:
- Dreams vs. Goals
Read the following words and phrases and discuss whether they fit the definition of a 'dream' or the definition of a 'goal':
Unnatural, surrealistic, has a deadline, more specific, goes on forever, based in reality, measurable, time bound, to be accomplished, require effort, imaginary.
- Ask students to share goals that they wish to accomplish:
- Finish reading a book this week
- Cook a special meal for my family
- Ace my math test
- Learn to play a new musical piece on my piano
- Do 10 pushups
- And many more
- Ask students to share dreams that they have:
- Become a famous singer
- Run a marathon
- Travel the world
- Open a business
- Go to university
- Be fluent in Arabic
- Learn to play the guitar
- Be a combat soldier
- Start a business
Stay True to Yourself
Along the way there are wonderful people who help us achieve our goals. However, there are often people who sabotage our dreams and demotivate us to achieve our goals. Most people don't do it because they want us to suffer, but rather because they think it's impossible, and don't want us to be hurt or experience failure. What should we say to these people? When is it right to take others' advice and when should you ignore it?
Watch the following scene from the movie 'The Pursuit of Happiness' and discuss the questions above.
You can find the script of the scene below.
Excerpt from the Script of The Pursuit of Happiness:
Father: All right, then we're gonna go sell a bone-density scanner. How about that? Wanna do that?
Son: No.
Son: Hey, Dad. I'm going pro. I'm going pro.
Father: Okay. Yeah, I don't know, you know. You'll probably be about as good as I was. That's kind of the way it works, you know. I was below average. You know, so you'll probably ultimately rank… somewhere around there, you know, so… I really… You'll excel at a lot of things, just not this. I don't want you shooting this ball all day and night. All right?
Son: All right.
Father: Okay. All right, go ahead.
Father: Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you… you can't do something. Not even me. – All right?
Son: All right.
Father: You got a dream… you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves… they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. Let's go.
A Short Motivational Movie
Pip wants to become a guide dog. During her training she fails a lot, until she is motivated by a very special dog. Watch the short movie and answer the following questions:
1. What is Pip's problem when she first arrives at Canine University? (minutes 0:40, 0:59, 0:15)
2. Write one solution that Pip found to her problem (minutes 1:41, 1:46)
3. What motivated Pip to pursue her dream? (minute 1:33)
4. Does Pip pass her guide-dog exam? (minute 2:02)
5. How does Pip prove that she can be a good guide dog?
Extra: Reaching our goals
Read the following quotes and ask the students which of the following quotes motivates them most to reach their goals and why they chose that goal.